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Welcome to Nuevas Vías


Specialized staff for Project Management

We have a staff of professionals to review, supervise and operate projects in the area of mining, energy and construction.

Snow cats operations service

We have an specialized area in high mountains winter operations, with the staff and equipment designed to open roads, transport of loads and people on snow. We maintain facilities such as antennas and shelters sites only accessible by helicopter or snow cats.

We care for the environment

We work under ISO 9000, 14.000 and 18.000 standards and we maintain strict control over our operations in order to maintain a care for the environment and close relationship with the communities.


Consulting, engineering and services company


We do Project Management of projects, from the initial studies, engineering, planning and control, coordination of specialties and supervision of the works for a particular project.

We have an area specialized in providing operational support to projects, such as implementation and operation of camps, design and construction of access roads, drilling platforms…


Relevant Work Experience

Road safety

Traffic and Operations services for Highway-Tunnels (operations plans – emergency response – road safety and design and construction of detours).

» It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; its the construction of the foundation that will stand a test of time «

David Allan Coe

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